God is doing something special at Re:Hope, and we are excited that you are considering membership at this church.
Thank you for taking the time to explore what membership means and investigating the commitments members make as the core community of this church. We want to invite you to join with us in making the same commitments we have made as we seek to support what God is doing at Re:Hope.
Re:Hope Next Generation Bible Church is an elder-led community of believers, which means that decision-making rests legally, constitutionally and functionally with the elders of the church. This is different, for example, than a congregational church whose members vote on proposals from the leadership of the church.
The senior pastor of Re:Hope is Brian Ingraham, who has been authorised by the elders to form a staff team to assist him in the leading, pastoring, and practical running of the church. As one of the elders, Brian works in partnership with them to lead this church as we go about God’s plans and purposes for our generation, which pertains to laying foundational groundwork for the next reawakening. This includes mobilising prayer, raising up a Bible-saturated people who know how to disciple one another, and teaching people to love God and love worshipping him.
Membership is about being 'all-in'; those most committed to the vision and values of the church and most invested in the mission and ministries of Re:Hope.
To be a member is to declare that you are willing to prioritise and support Re:Hope by making 6 core commitments that set members apart from other regular attendees who also love this church. At any point you can choose whether you want to opt-out of your membership commitments.
1. I have dedicated my life to Jesus and I commit to continue to grow in my love for God with all my heart, soul, and strength.
Jesus taught that the most important of all the 613 commands of Moses was to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Matthew 22:37). Members of Re:Hope recognise that this includes saying no to temptations and yes to holiness. Loving God means living how he commands us to live.
2. I commit to loving the people of Re:Hope, our leadership, and those Jesus brings through our doors.
Jesus taught that the second most important commandment was to “Love your neighbour as yourself.” (Matthew 22: 39) “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) As members of Re:Hope we commit to loving one another by our attitudes, actions and words. Jesus has brought us and is bringing us people in need of encouragement, hope, grace, and love. Members seek to “encourage one another and build each other up.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Loving one another includes loving our leaders. As members we are committed to praying for, encouraging, and supporting our leaders. With a church full of people from a variety of backgrounds, the chance of unanimity on all decisions and values seems unlikely. However, in love we choose to convey our suggestions or disagreements with leadership and one another with grace, kindness, and humility as is proper for all of God's people. The elders and staff of Re:Hope recognise the authority of Jesus Christ as the head of our church. It is our commitment to follow his leadership as we seek to guide, serve, and equip Jesus’ people to do God’s work with grace, honour, and humility.
3. I commit to regularly attending and serving at Re:Hope West End.
Members don’t just come to church, they serve the church. There are times when all of us are away, but members are here whenever possible and they help. Helping can be as simple as coming to prayer and welcoming people, volunteering with kids, hospitality, set-up, or joining the prayer ministry or worship teams. As part of our church, God has brought you here for several reasons and one of them is to serve the people of the church with us.
4. I commit to being a faithful part of a Bible Read Through Group.
Jesus has commissioned us to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. At Re:Hope we make disciples through small groups of people reading the Bible, sharing what God is showing them, and praying for one another. We believe everyone Jesus brings us (Christian or not) should be discipled and trained to know how to disciple others. We believe being a disciple and learning how to disciple people through the Word of God is a core commission for our church as we prepare for the next reawakening. To be a faithful part of a Bible Read Through group includes being there most every week, having read the whole passage, and prepared to share some things that jumped out at you whilst reading. It also includes being committed to encouraging and praying for the people in your group.
5. I commit to prioritising praying together with the people of my church.
As a church we passionately believe in prayer. Each Sunday we meet one hour before each service to pray together, worshipping, listening, and calling out to God for our church, our city and our nation. Our Kids Pastors set up a special space for kids during this prayer time too, so that why can join in.
6. I commit to financially supporting Re:Hope West End by giving my first and best to the church as an offering.
The Bible has much to say about offerings and giving money. We know there are many great and godly things to financially support: the poor, the sick, missionaries, church planting, etc. and we encourage you to be generous with the finances God has entrusted you with. Our members choose to follow the example of Abraham, which we do by giving at least 10% of their income directly to Re:Hope to support the church, it’s ministries, our staff, and running costs. Our members believe in the work and ministry of Re:Hope and are highly committed to financially supporting their church and its mission. The Bible encourages us to cheerful generosity. With that heart we encourage you, as you feel led by God, to support other good things (such as missionaries and Christian charities) after giving your first 10% to your church. Our pastor and all the elders live this way, and our church has the same practice of giving away the first 10% of our income to God’s work at Re:Hope West End.
If you would like to know more about how to give to Re:Hope West End, you can visit our giving page here.