Thank you for your interest in supporting God’s work at Re:Hope financially.
We have several methods for giving –
online, via standing order and using the offering box on a Sunday.

You can give to Re:Hope West End in any of the following ways:
1. Online Banking (standing order + one-off gifts)
Our preferred method of giving is by standing order. Giving in this way enables us to plan for the future and budget more effectively. You can set up a standing order via your online banking or by visiting your local branch. If you require assistance, please get in touch.
Here are the details you will need:
Account Name: Rehope Church
Sort Code: 83-21-05 Account Number: 00169232
Reference: YourName
If you are Gift Aid eligible don't forget you can boost your donations by 25p of gift aid for every £1 you donate. Sign a declaration below.
Gift Aid allows us to claim an additional 25% on what you give if you are a UK Taxpayer. For example, for every £1 you give, Re:Hope West End receives £1.25.
If you would like to make a declaration, please click on the Gift Aid declaration button below.
Need further assistance?
Please email finance@rehope.co.uk
2. Credit/Debit Cards (One-off gifts)
You can make an online donation to Re:Hope via ChurchSuite using the form below. Please be sure to select which location you would like to give to as well as tick the box if your donation is Gift Aid eligible.
3. Paypal
You can make an online donation to Re:Hope securely via Paypal using your credit or debit card. You don't need a Paypal account to use this service, simply click the link below and follow the instructions. Paypal takes a small transaction fee for this service.
4. Cash and Cheque
You can give via cash and cheque by putting your donation in our offering boxes at any of our services. If you wish to write a cheque, make it payable to 'Re:Hope Church'.
If you are a taxpayer and eligible for Gift Aid then please remember to use one of our giving envelopes so we can claim an additional 25% on your donation.

At Re:Hope we are committed to being accountable with our finances, going beyond the minimum the law requires to ensure our processes are transparent and ethical.
Finances are managed by our directors who work with our Financial Administrator in administrating finances and maintaining budgets. They are overseen by the Elders who ensure the finances are re-checked every quarter by someone outwith the director team. In addition, we work with an independent accountant who helps ensure we are meeting all legal obligations and that our finances are not misused in any way.
Re:Hope members receive a financial report each year, showing the use of our finances and the proposed budget for the forthcoming year with any necessary explanations. A copy of this report is available on request from
Our belief in the call for followers of Jesus to be generous and bless others extends to our own use of what God has blessed us with – we are careful to give at least 10% of all our income to a variety of other projects, a task which is managed by the missions team.