Community Care
At Re:Hope West End, we passionately care about our church family and the local community. During this time of national crisis, we want you to know that we are here for you and we are ready to help where possible.
If you need our help
We have a pastoral care team would would love to offer support, prayer or pratical help. You can find out more about our pastoral care support here.
If you are struggling, isolated and/or unwell and you need our support, please get in touch by emailing care.westend@rehope.co.uk
Some useful contact information:
Samaritans: 116 123
Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87 (or via NHS 24)
Shout texting line: text 85258
Local Food Banks: https://www.glasgowwestend.co.uk/category/whatson/events/food-banks/
Benefits - https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/
CAP - Debt advice - https://capuk.org/
Victim Support Scotland: https://victimsupport.scot